
Weekend Bites: Cusack as Poe, White Writers From NY, Smart Cities, Glenn Beck/Lady Gaga, and More

At A.V. Club: After years of playing the same sad sack misanthrope we’ve all come to know and love, John Cusack will play Edgar Allan Poe. At Harpers:  The most expensive BBQ ever. At Jacket Copy: 12 literary oddities available on Ebay. At Impose: Julia Holmes tells us what she’s read recently. At The Faster Times: Lincoln Michel weighs in on the NY Times love of white dudes issue. At HTMLGIANT: Jimmy Chen is on a roll.  First it was […]

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Weekend Bites: Cusack on Hot Tub, Alex Ross Out of His Comfort Zone, Death of Journalism (School), NY Tyrant Does Franco, Will Self Debating, and More

Richard Metzger and John Cusack talk Hot Tub Time Machine: “I’ll quote David Letterman here: “I haven’t seen ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ but I know genius when I hear it, and ‘Hot Tub Time Machine’ is genius.” I really prefer to think I’m committing new cinematic sins. With all of the rampantly heroic stupidity that can be mustered within the normal time constraints and the Hollywood studio system.” And you thought Alex Ross was all Bartók and Mahler… Is J […]

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