
Josh Spilker on “Taco Jehovah,” Nashville, and the Fascination of “Failing American Brands”

Josh’s newest book is Taco Jehovah (Dig That Book, 2015). He’s also the author of the novella Ambient Florida Position and several ebooks that can be found at He currently works in marketing for a healthcare IT company and lives with his wife and daughter in Nashville, TN. I talked to Josh over email about his interest in Americana, Twitter existences and thinking outside the box when it comes to getting his work out there.

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A Year of Favorites: Josh Spilker

A Year of Favorites

Feel like I skimmed or stopped more books this year than I actually read. I had some noble attempts, stuff like Underworld by Don Delillo (made it halfway through before I learned you’re only supposed to read the 1st chapter), Speedboat by Renata Adler (remember the spring fever pitch to this one?), The Man With a Golden Arm by Nelson Algren (I enjoyed his book on writing more), and Light Years by James Salter (but bro, can he write a […]

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Scott McClanahan Has A Cold.

Scott McClanahan, crouching in a small corner outside of a library conference room door, is dressed in a black blazer and a black button-up. He’s also carrying a large satchel. He was watching people file in to a room to watch him. I am the last in the line, but notice Scott over by the wall. His face is red. Scott McClanahan has a cold. “Josh I’ll be around the fest at 200 or so but I have cold so […]

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Occasional Literary Magazine Reviews: Zyzzyva

Title: Zyzzyva Issue #98, Fall 2013 $12.00 Theme: It’s not immediately obvious by its cover. But then you flip to the jacket (yes, a lit mag with a jacket!) and there’s this phrase: “Having a Kid: What Could Go Wrong?” Here at Vol.1 Brooklyn, we like to keep everything “above board” (or at least I think we that even the right idiom?) and not delve into too much personal stuff. But I’m about to become a father, like at […]

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Occasional Literary Magazine Reviews: Lungfull!

Title: Lungfull! Magazine fine writing + rough drafts Issue 21 $11.95 Theme: The Ecstacy of Deceit. That’s what it says on the spine and is the title of an essay by the editor, Brendan Lorber. Featured names on the (back)cover: Everyone listed in the book is listed on the backcover. There are like 50 names or more. What: This is mostly a poetry magazine and it includes images of rough drafts. Usually these are scribbles and longhand writing. Actually, if […]

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Occasional Literary Magazine Reviews: Frieze

Title: frieze contemporary art & culture No. 156 June, July, August 2013 Theme: The Fiction Issue Featured Names on the Cover: Gregory Sholette & Christopher Darling; Ben Lerner, Katie Kitamura, Omer Fast, Lynne Tillman What: This is an art magazine. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this magazine. I picked up because of the graphic novel cover and the words “The Fiction Issue.”

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Nine Amazing Quotes from that Massive VQR Essay by Richard Nash

The Spring edition of the Virginia Quarterly Review contains a gob of unrelenting lit crit about the business of literature. The following are 9 great quotes from Richard Nash’s lead essay that comprehensively covers the history of book publishing and where it’s all going. Currently, Nash is doing great work with Small Demons and Red Lemon.ade. The full VQR essay can be read here.

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