
What I Look For at Used Bookstores: A Category Analysis

We have a rule in my house that whenever we want new books we have to take back the same number of old ones to the used bookstore. This is hard. Because some books we want to keep–to read again, for some sort of perceived prestige (I guess), to read for the first time (hey D.H. Lawrence), and because we…like books? But it creates a stasis somewhat equivalent to the amount of bookshelf space we have, but I’m able to […]

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Morning Bites: Thatcher movie, Bill O’Reilly’s still an idiot, nightcaps, short story problems, and more

Meryl Streep, Margaret Thatcher, and Madness (the band) in one trailer. Here’s a total shocker for you: A Fox News host wrote a book and it’s riddled with factual errors. The libraries of Junot Díaz, James Wood, Gary Shteyngart, and others. Is there a problem with short stories?  Josh Spilker thinks there might be, and he discusses it at Impose.  (Hint: Yelp) If you’re looking for the rules of an honorable nightcap, look no further. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, and […]

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