A Year of Favorites: Jason Diamond

I felt the need to go back and revisit some of the books on this list I’ve been compiling since January 1st to see how these titles stood up since I spent the first six months of 2014 reading for work, and the second-half mostly for pleasure. What I came away with was the realization that I couldn’t think of another year where new literature brought me so much joy as much as 2014 did. Sure, I was reading a lot […]

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Five Writers, December Fifth: A Reading at Mellow Pages Library

To close out this year of events, we’re happy to be co-presenting a reading featuring a quintet of writers from all over the US (and, in one case, Iceland.) Reading will be: Sean Madigan Hoen Justin Taylor Katherine Faw Morris Amanda Shapiro Andri Magnason Daniella Gitlin will host. This event will begin at 7:30 p.m. on Friday, December 5th. Mellow Pages Library is located at 56 Bogart Street in Brooklyn. Facebook RSVP here.

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