
Vol.1 Brooklyn’s August 2015 Books Preview

Looking at the books due out this month, one can find an impressive array of styles, genres, and aesthetics on display. Do you like incisive essays about American society and culture? How about well-received debut fiction, or collections spanning decades of work? Regardless of what you’re seeking, August holds an abundance of literary riches. Here are some of the books due out this month that we’re most excited about.

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Celebrate the Paperback Edition of Matt Dojny’s “The Festival of Earthly Delights” with Readings and Karaoke

We’re tremendous admirers of Matt Dojny‘s work, and we’re pleased to announce that we’ll be presenting the paperback release of his novel The Festival of Earthly Delights later this month. In a review of the novel at The Rumpus, Elizabeth Word Gutting noted that “there’s also no comparison to reading a novel that it’s clear a writer had a ton of fun writing.” Joining Dojny with readings will be Kathleen Alcott, Halimah Marcus, Jason Porter, and John Wray. Vol.1 Brooklyn’s Jason […]

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Sunday at KGB: Joshua Mohr & Teddy Wayne & Kathleen Alcott & Matt Dojny

This Sunday at KGB, we are proud to present readings from four of our favorite writers: * Joshua Mohr * Teddy Wayne * Kathleen Alcott * Matt Dojny Should you need additional reading material to get you excited, might we point you in the direction of our recent interview with Joshua Mohr?  Or a consideration of pop stars in fiction, including Teddy Wayne’s Johnny Valentine? Or fiction from Kathleen Alcott or Matt Dojny? KGB is located at 85 East 4th […]

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Afternoon Bites: New Amelia Gray & Kathleen Alcott Stories, Sasquatch Lit, Califone’s Reissue, and More

New Kathleen Alcott fiction is up at Five Stories. If you liked that, might we also interest you in her Sunday Story? New Amelia Gray fiction is up at Joyland. Tim Rutili of Califone talked with Brooklyn Vegan about their just-reissued first album. Cherie Priest on her new novel The Inexplicables, which may feature a sasquatch. We’re totally sold. The James Bond/Abraham Lincoln comparison you didn’t know you were waiting for. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and our Tumblr.

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Afternoon Bites: Indie Press Economics, The Dorothy Project Interviewed, Samuel Beckett Grading Scales, and More

Danielle Dutton of The Dorothy Project is interviewed at The Paris Review. (And if you haven’t picked up the Barbara Comyns book pictured above, you really should.) Maria Konnikova looks at the disappearance of Jonah Lehrer’s Imagine, and wonders what the implications are for books as a whole: “Does the publisher publicly—and prominently—acknowledge the error by leaving everything as it was and just removing the ability for new readers to make a purchase until the book is reissued or otherwise amended, leaving […]

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