In our morning reading: an interview with Chelsea Bieker, thoughts on a Sun City Girls live album, and more.
“I Wrote That I Wrote It”: A Review of “Maps and Transcripts of the Ordinary World”
Kathryn Cowles’s second book, Maps and Transcripts of the Ordinary World, contends with the formalism of poem as object, in the sense that a poem holds a literal position in space and time. Her eminently accessible, readable collection belies a circular and circling complexity that questions the role of language as a deictic tool in making sense out of a reality that exists with or without us.
Vol.1 Brooklyn’s March 2020 Book Preview
With March upon us, we’re another step closer to spring. What does the month have to offer in terms of new reads? A couple of debut novels we’ve been eager to read for a while, a foray into cosmic horror, some insightful literary criticism — and, of course, pirates. What’s not to like?