
On Slacker Novels and Killing Darlings: Kris D’Agostino

As someone steeped in culture, I try not let another person’s tastes dictate the way I feel towards them. “Oh, Coldplay/Mumford and Sons is your favorite band, that’s so interesting!” Or, “That’s an thought-provoking opinion, thinking Garden State defined the voice of our generation, let me think about that one.” I need to remind myself that cultural choice speaks nothing about character, goodness, or any aspect of a personality. But then I meet someone who enthusiastically endorses my tastes and […]

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Morning Bites: New Lit Mags, Guy Debord, Atticus Lish, Nite Jewel Philosophy, Chess Hoaxes, And More

Maybe spend 13-minutes listening to people talk about  Guy Debord’s “Society of the Spectacle” to start your morning? Former Vice editor Jesse Pearson is teaming up with Sam McPheeters to Exploded View, which Capital New York says will “fall somewhere in the center of the lit-mag spectrum.” Our own Tobias Carroll talks to Kris D’Agostino for L Magazine. Lincoln Michel at The Paris Review on a chess hoax. Atticus Lish will be reading from his book, Life Is with People, at KGB […]

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Afternoon Bites: Elizabeth Ellen’s Remixes, Kris D’Agostino Interviewed, Lorin Stein On Literary Magazines, And More

Elizabeth Ellen, interviewed at The Collagist, discusses tornadoes, remixing Blake Butler, and more. Lorin Stein on why literary magazines matter. Would you like to assist in the commissioning of new work from Noveller’s Sarah Lipstate? (We chatted with Lipstate last year.) Bookforum interviews Debt author David Graeber. Tavia Nyong’o shares his impressions of the 2012 Pop Conference. Gabrielle Gantz chats with The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac‘s Kris D’Agostino. Brian Joseph Davis on Joyland’s recent dealings with Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google […]

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Morning Bites: Yiderati Drinking Contest, Mad Men Talk, Dave Hill’s Advice, Kris D’Agostino, And More

Tonight is the night: Vol. 1 and The Jewish Book Council Present: The New Yiderati: Redefining the Jewish Experience in Literature at Housing Works.  There will be  drinking time taking place where ou chug your beer once when somebody says “Philip Roth,” two chugs if anybody says “Cynthia Ozick.” We might discuss how Ben Marcus “may be the best Jewish writer in America.” Kris D’Agostino tells Largehearted Boy his Book Notes for The Sleepy Hollow Family Almanac. 3:AM Magazine continues […]

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