
Weekend Bites: No Fatalities Reported at Lit Death Match, Favorites of 2010, Crazy Stuff Said at Bookstores and More

At The New York Times: Nobody died at the Literary Death Match, but we love the picture of Clay McLeod Chapman (above) doing his best boogeyman impression. At The Millions: Joanna Smith Rakoff and David Gutowski (Largehearted Boy) talk about stuff they’ve both read in 2010. At The Huffington Post: Another wacky list at HuffPo.  This one is 9 crazy things said in bookstores. At Vice: NY Tyrant interviews Paula Bomer, author of Baby & Other Stories. At Impose: Josh […]

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A Bunch of Poets in a Death Match

Literary Death Match is back in New York (at the Bowery Poetry Club) on July 15th, this time the poets get nasty! Readers: Jon Sands, representing Write Bloody Press and Poets in Unexpected Places (The Pop-Up Poets) C.S. Carrier, Author of After Dayton, Lyric, and The 16s Cristin O’Keefe Aptowicz, Founder of the NYC-Urbana series, author of 5 books of poetry Michael Morse, representing Spinning Jenny, his poems have appeared in The Iowa Review, Ploughshares and others Judges: Jeff McDaniel, […]

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Will There be a Riot at the Literary Death Match Tonight?

The Literary Death Match makes it’s triumphant return to New York tonight, and has a cast of misfits unlike any of the previous lineups I’ve seen. Mike Edison performing?  (Former Vol. 1 Brooklyn Storytelling host) Jena Friedman judging alongside Richard Nash and a fashion blogger?  Seriously?  Is “Jailbreak” by Thin Lizzy going to be looping in the background?  Will Jena Friedman make a joke that offends over 70% of the crowd?  Will Mike Edison condense his normally epic rock n’ […]

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Bites: Taylor on Sampsell, Jersey Shore Vs. Joshua Ferris, Iggy Pop Writes a Letter, and More

Justin Taylor pens a “peer review” of Kevin Sampsell’s wonderful book, A Common Pornography. “Some of it’s funny, and some of it’s touching, and some of it’s sad–and a lot of it is two or more of these things at once–but I think what it really succeeds at doing is creating an atmosphere that encompasses all of those states without forcing the reader to choose one” Boston Globe reviews a new Gabriel García Márquez biography. Jersey Shore vs. Joshua Ferris: […]

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James Yeh Drank the Kool-Aid, but Redemption Maybe at Hand

James Yeh: Founding Editor of Gigantic Magazine, silky smooth dancer, and guy who puts Vecktamist by Grizzly Bear at the top of his best of list over at Big Other. Okay, James, I love you man, but how could you put that snoozer above things like Sam Lipsyte’s story in Harpers, the Real Estate album on Woodsist, and Bolaño’s The Skating Rink?  Fair warning, I’m tracking you to the Literary Death Match that you are scheduled to take part in […]

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