
Occasional Literary Magazine Reviews: Lungfull!

Title: Lungfull! Magazine fine writing + rough drafts Issue 21 $11.95 Theme: The Ecstacy of Deceit. That’s what it says on the spine and is the title of an essay by the editor, Brendan Lorber. Featured names on the (back)cover: Everyone listed in the book is listed on the backcover. There are like 50 names or more. What: This is mostly a poetry magazine and it includes images of rough drafts. Usually these are scribbles and longhand writing. Actually, if […]

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Occasional Literary Magazine Reviews: Frieze

Title: frieze contemporary art & culture No. 156 June, July, August 2013 Theme: The Fiction Issue Featured Names on the Cover: Gregory Sholette & Christopher Darling; Ben Lerner, Katie Kitamura, Omer Fast, Lynne Tillman What: This is an art magazine. This is the first time I’ve ever seen this magazine. I picked up because of the graphic novel cover and the words “The Fiction Issue.”

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