
“It’s Really All Just Gut Instinct”: An Interview With Livia Llewellyn

My first introduction to Livia Llewellyn‘s fiction came via a passing recommendation in another writer’s book: specifically, Laird Barron’s introduction to Nate Southard’s Will the Sun Ever Come Out Again?, in which Barron wrote about his admiration for both Southard and Llewellyn’s fiction. From there, I picked up her first book, Engines of Desire, featuring stories in which strange horrors sat beside accounts of desire and obsession. I had the good fortune to see Llewellyn read last October, where her […]

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s February 2016 Books Preview

February is upon us, bringing with a host of intriguing books, from expansive historical epics to disquieting novels of suspense and horror to biographies of literary and political heroes. For whatever reason, many of the books that have caught our eye for February are due out on the 9th of the month. Perhaps it’s a pre-Valentine’s Day maneuver, because nothing says romance like narratives that bend space and time or those that run paranoia and existential dread to unsettling extremes. […]

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