
Haunted Voices in a Small Town: A Review of Michael Bible’s “The Ancient Hours”

"The Ancient Hours"

Time is two-faced. Today it drags you in its wake, slowly, sadistically—tedious indignities nick you like so many potholes; you’ll never get where you’re going. But tomorrow you’ll be there before you know it, unhooked from the rear of the car, unmoving and face-up on the ground; you’ll have nothing but warm memories of the stupid suffering you should’ve savored. Time torments you until it’s through with you; its first face is a bullying sneer and the other is blank.

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s December 2020 Book Preview

December 2020 books

It’s December, apparently. Are we reading? We’re still reading. What are we reading? Books. Which books? Maybe some of these. The end of the year traditionally brings a very intriguing assortment of titles, and this year is no exception. Looking for strange, genre-defying work? We’ve got that, sure. Seeking sharply-written nonfiction? We’ve got that covered as well. Here are some December books that have caught our eye.

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s December 2015 Books Preview

December is traditionally a slow month for new books, to be sure–but that doesn’t mean that it’s devoid of them entirely. In fact, some of the most singular works that have come onto our radar this year boast December release dates, from a politically charged memoir to tales of cosmic horror in the Eisenhower era to a trip through a surreal version of Russia. Read on for thoughts on some of the books we’re most excited about for this month.

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