
Afternoon Bites: Michael Ian Black Interviewed, John D’Agata In Conversation, Dave Tompkins On Rammellzee, And More

“An enigmatic presence in New York’s downtown art scene, Rammellzee wasn’t just another crazy guy with three pairs of Geordi La Forge glasses perched on his very busy skull. He imagined train cars linking different phrases, a sort of “Conjunction Junction” on aerosol fumes.” Dave Tompkins talks Rammellzee at The Paris Review. Bookavore on the recent D’Agata/Fingal/Julavits event at McNally Jackson. William Giraldi on the fiction of William Gay. Gabrielle Gantz talks with Michael Ian Black. Aaron Gonsher provides a guide […]

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Quick Link: Michael Ian Black Interview

Posted by Jason Diamond I interviewed Michael Ian Black at Jewcy about screaming at a heckler who made an Obama/Hitler comparison. If the same situation happened, except it was on “Celebrity Poker Showdown”, and Hank Azaria (also a Jew) said Obama was like Hitler, would you tear into him? It would never happen. I mean, I would have to believe a Jewish comedian saying that would be saying it as a comment on people who say stupid shit like that. […]

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Bites: Brittney vs. MJ, Ira Glass deals poker, Bjork spins, RIP Vibe I never read you,

SMITH Mag’s six-word obituaries for Michael Jackson vs. Vultures Britney Spears – haiku contest. I wasn’t creative enough to do either. Is it your dream to play some poker with Ira Glass, David Cross, and Michael Ian Black? Well, here is your chance, and it goes to benefit 826NYC. DJ Bjork Malcolm Gladwell reviews Free by Chris Anderson for the New Yorker If I’m gonna read one sports book this summer, it will probably be be Satchel: The Life and […]

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