
Afternoon Bites: New Texas is the Reason, J. Robert Lennon, Book Shopping With Molly Ringwald and Panio Gianopoulos, and More

  File under “things we never thought we’d type in 2012”: here’s some new music from Texas is the Reason. Paula Bomer, who’s reading at Franklin Park next Monday, was interviewed at The Nervous Breakdown. Molly Ringwald and Panio Gianopoulos went shopping for books at McNally Jackson. Rosie Schaap talked with The Drinking Diaries. BoingBoing has selected their favorite comics of 2012. Emily Witt on Charles Dickens’s children. Here’s a song with lyrics by Norman Lock, who has a new collection […]

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Afternoon Bites: On “Sabbath’s Theater,” The Novels of Laird Hunt, Pieter Schoolwerth, and More

Matthew Specktor explains why you should read Philip Roth’s Sabbath’s Theater. Maris Kreizman’s best books of 2012. Vol.1 Brooklyn’s Tobias Carroll has an in-depth look at the fiction of Laird Hunt at the Los Angeles Review of Books. The Millions’ A Year in Reading has begun. Hyperallergic has a look at the paintings of Pieter Schoolwerth. Molly Ringwald is developing a television series described as “John Hughes-esque.” Anne Swan talks about her story “Emote Control” with Joyland. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn […]

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Afternoon Bites: Parnassus Books Year One, Adapting “Wild” and “Under the Dome,” Inside “Discordia,” and More

Writer Laurie Penny and illustrator Molly Crabapple talked with Bitch about their collaboration Discordia, Christopher Hitchens, Djuna Barnes, and more. Ann Patchett on the first year in the life of her bookstore Parnassus Books. Jay Bulger on making a documentary about legendary drummer Ginger Baker. Molly Ringwald is interviewed by the Los Angeles Review of Books. Nick Hornby is adapting Cheryl Strayed’s Wild for the big screen. And Brian K. Vaughan is adapting Stephen King’s Under the Dome for television. Edward Champion looks into the […]

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Morning Bites: Etgar Keret, Tanlines Guy Archiving, Jazz Age Ladies, Molly Ringwald’s Boots, and More

We’d like to remind you that this Sunday, April 29th, we’re teaming up with Bomb, FSG, and Tumblr to bring you an evening with Etgar Keret who will be in conversation with Lorin Stein of The Paris Review at PowerHouse Arena.  RSVP at Facebook. Cynthia Ozick is interviewed at The Guardian. Rebellious ladies of Fitzgerald’s Jazz Age. The Millions talk to Lauren Groff. LitKicks on Ed McClanahan’s I Just Hitched in From the Coast. The guy from Tanlines archives old Jewish […]

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John Cheever Hooked Molly Ringwald Up

In the thanks to “Getting the Pretty Back,” the long-deceased John Cheever makes a surprise appearance. “Not only for reminding us of the ‘salvation of prose,’ ” she writes, “but for inadvertently and fortuitously leading me to my husband through the elegance of his prose.” Ringwald’s husband is a writer and editor; quotes from Cheever are included in Ringwald’s book, with his estate’s permission.  (Via Jacket Copy)

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Molly on John

By Jason Diamond I guess this could have been a bite, but honestly, I shed one or two tears reading this one. Maybe it was simply because the thought of Michael Anthony Hall and Molly Ringwald talking on the phone in 2009 is some sort of weird, comforting thought (don’t ask me why), but Molly’s op-ed pieces on the death of her “mentor”, was a great one. Especially for her dropping the memory of seeing Junior Wells in Chicago, and […]

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