
Proust Visits New York

This year we celebrate the centennial of Marcel Proust’s Swann’s Way, the first volume in a set of books everyone you know has promised to read, and therefore the only volume everyone you know is sure to have read. To commemorate the event, the Morgan Library has assembled a room of Proustian memorabilia.

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Bites: Sendak Retrospective, Amos Oz as Nobel Fav., Is Teaching Shakespeare a Problem?, Af-Pak Reading, Chicago’s Loss, the age-old Polanski debate, and more

First William Blake, now the Wild Things!   The Maurice Sendak retrospective opens tomorrow at the Morgan Library.  To coincide, the Animazing Gallery presented last Thursday Sendak in SoHo, the world’s largest exhibition & sale of original illustrations from the collection of the legendary artist and author. Lit. Speaking of Where the Wild Things Are, Vice Magazine has a WTWTA blog, which presents work from 24 contributing artists inspired by the story.  A little weird because the site is totally in […]

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