
Band Booking: J. Robbins of Office of Future Plans

Interview by Tobias Carroll J. Robbins has been making compelling music for a very long time, and the list of bands he’s played in provides a fine overview of punk and post-punk: Government Issue, Jawbox, and Burning Airlines all come to mind. Office of Future Plans, in which he plays alongside bassist Brooks Harlan, cellist/guitarist Gordon Withers, and drummer Darren Zentek, is both a reminder of his talents as a songwriter and a smart expansion of them. Over how long a […]

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On Office of Future Plans and the Post-Punk Cellist

Posted by Tobias Carroll There’s an joy that can arise when certain disparate elements combine and simply click, creating a result that sidesteps any preconceived notions of sums and parts. It’s an odd comparison to raise when talking about music, but lately, I’ve become fascinated by mixtures of salt with things that are otherwise sweet — chocolate or caramel, for instance. This is what comes to mind when listening to music that adds the resonant sound of a cello to […]

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