
Afternoon Bites: Filming Harry Crews, Reissues We’d Like to See, Brooklyn Noir, and More

At The L Magazine, Vol.1’s Tobias Carroll suggests five underrated 90s bands whose music should get the deluxe reissue treatment. It goes without saying that his fellow editors heartily agree. You know what’s awesome? Norman Brannon and Willie Nelson contributed to the same book, that’s what. Gary Hawkins on filming Harry Crews. Gabrielle Gantz revisits the anthology Brooklyn Noir. The Outlet has a fine write-up of this week’s PANK Invasion at WORD. Over at Treehouse, Matthew Specktor and Michael Wolfe […]

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Afternoon Bites: PANK Invasion, Brooklyn High Schools, Morrissey Smiling, and More

Tonight is the PANK Invasion at WORD.  So many capital letters, so many great readers. The hidden treasures of Erasmus Hall High School. From the department of Too Good To Be True: Zach Galifianakis as Ignatius J. Reilly would be basically perfect. Did someone say “lots of pictures of Morrissey smiling“? Flavorwire is on it. Also included in that photo set: a picture of Morrissey with a cat on his head, presumably taken in a spirit similar to this one. If […]

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Morning Bites: Paris Review # 200, Book Stalker Turns One, Taking Franzen to Task, MIT Gags, and More

The Paris Review celebrates issue #200. “Do we even have to say that physical beauty is beside the point when discussing the work of a major author? Was Tolstoy pretty? Is Franzen? Wharton’s appearance has no relevance to her work. Franzen perpetuates the typically patriarchal standard of ranking a woman’s beauty before discussing her merits, whether she is an intellectual, artist, politician, activist, or musician.” – Victoria Patterson at the Los Angeles Review of Books takes Jonathan Franzen to task […]

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Weekend Bites: All Tomorrow’s Magazine Parties, Pank’s Queer Issue, Salinger’s Bio, Great Expectations Cake and More

La Petite Zine +  Annalemma Magazine are having their release parties together at Bruar Falls on Sunday. The very awesome Greenlight Bookstore turns 2 today (Saturday).  Go there, spend a hundred bucks, and they will give you a free tote bag. At PANK: The Queer issue is out. At Galley Cat: Upcoming J.D. Salinger biography coming very soon. At Time: An interview with Man Booker winner Howard Jacobson. At Boing Boing: “Great Expectations, the Miss Havisham Cake,” banned.

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