
Vol.1 Brooklyn’s January 2017 Book Preview

It’s a new year, and with that new year comes a host of new books. From fiction that might shed a light on ongoing political debates to incisive essays between the relationship between creativity and commerce, there’s something for nearly everyone on our list of books that have gotten our attention for this month. And it’s very likely that you’ll see some of these names pop up again on our anticipated books lists in the year to come–no less that four […]

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Reduced to Gravel: On Paul Auster and the Isolationist Wall

In his 1990 novel, The Music of Chance, Paul Auster explores the use of stones and barriers as plot and metaphorical devices in telling the story of two men, Jim and Jack, who are forced into the construction of an ornamental stone wall after accruing a gambling debt to a pair of eccentric millionaires. If this sounds a bit wild, it is certainly meant to, for the novel toys with absurdity. But The Music of Chance, when paired with Auster’s […]

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