
Bites: Dante’s Ornaments, William Burroughs Christmas, PEN Year in Review, Gettin’ Orwellian, Sherlock Gets Reviewed, and More

Dante’s Inferno for the holidays? It’s a William Burroughs Christmas!  (Thanks Maud Newton) New York Shitty finds us a bummer of a Christmas story from the archives of the Brooklyn Daily Eagle. Lit. PEN gives us their year in review. The Daily Beast writers pick their favorite books. An interview with Alan Moore over at Vice. Shit’s gettin’ mad Orwellian up in England. Huffington Post has a bunch of books they liked in 2009. Film The 00’s were a pretty […]

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Bites: Woody Allen Drawn, A New Case for American Lit, NYRB on Herta Müller, SXSW, and more

An abstract from Dread and Superficiality: Woody Allen as Comic Strip, a new book to be published next month, is available at the Guardian. Arcade Fire’s a lucky band.  Spike Jonze was “thinking of them almost every step of the way” in making his famous film. Rather than insular, is American Literature “borderless”? From the NYRB, a podcast on Herta Müller, the 2009 Nobel laureate in literature.  Vol. 1 touched on Müller and her recent win last week. “Is there […]

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