Bodies Evoked in Words: Two Views of Activism, Illness, and Art

Whether overtly or subtly, you can learn a lot about the world that produced a book, film, or painting if you look closely enough to the circumstances of its making. Some creative works are themselves a start to a debate, a refutation of a political point, or a heated argument in textual form. For decades now, healthcare in the United States has been a hotly-debated issue. It’s no shock to see that the ongoing debates around the Affordable Care Act–from […]

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s June 2018 Book Preview

As June approaches, the temperatures outside are rising, and various dreams of a long spring are dashed until next year. June also brings with it a host of books we’ve been eager to read for a while now, including new books by longtime favorites, structurally bold works that take literature into new places, and short fiction that ventures into surreal and sinister places. Here’s a look at some of the books we’re most excited about for June.

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