
Indexing: A Canadian copy of Sheila Heti, Punk Planet, Tournament of Books, Adam Wilson, NYRB Classics, and more

Jason Diamond Bought a bunch of stuff from Quimby’s in Chicago recently, including a copy of Punk Planet #1 from 1994.  I’d actually sent a guy I’d met in an AOL chatroom five dollars by mail in 1997, hoping he would fulfill his promise of sending me that first issue.  I’d been collecting issues of the magazine since somewhere around 1996, and needed the first one to be totally up to date. He never sent it to me.  His screen […]

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Bites: Harry Potter is a self-hating Jew, Dan Sinker, Chuck Palahniuk, Dark Dark Dark, and more

Six-Word Memoirs, meet the Gigantic Quotes Twitter Project. Play nice. If Harry Potter tells that old joke about two Jews rubbing a penny together, and Harry Potter is Jewish, does that make him an anti-Semite? The Millions teaches me that there is a genre called “mom books”. So this is what Dan Sinker – founder of Punk Planet – is up to. Chuck Palahniuk relates to Nick Carraway in The Great Gatsby, and is afraid of being buried alive according […]

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