
Notes on Music: Parenthetical Girls, Todd P. in the City, Lichens Remixes W-H-I-T-E

Posted by Jason Diamond I called the Parenthetical Girls (pictured above) song “Eveyln McHale” my favorite single of 2010.  Part of their five EP Privilege series, the song was a dark glitter tribute to the dead face which adorns the “saddest photograph ever.” Since that moment, I’ve become obsessed with the band, and get excited with the announcement of each new release.  Yesterday’s latest, a blues stomper called “The Pornographer,” did not disappoint. Listen: Parenthetical Girls – “The Pornographer”

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Respect for Robert Lowe

Gyromancy, is a collaborative effort between Robert A.A. Lowe, and Rose Lazar, featuring artwork by both, and music by Lowe.  The book is part of Thrill Jockey’s book and mini cd series, and I happened to pick one up at a performance of Lowe’s a few months back for his solo project, Lichens. I’ve been an admirer of Lowe’s work since his time in the criminally underrated 90 Day Men, and have always been blown away by his output since […]

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Happening: _ Quarterly Issue 4 Release Show

_Quarterly is moving onto their fourth issue, “Sea”. And while that itself is exciting, the announcement of the release party at Silent Barn, with performances by poet Chelsea Hodson, Robert Lowe’s always pleasing solo project, Lichens, and Soft Circle, makes the entire _Quarterly #4 package too good to pass up. All the info is below the flyer. There will be music by Soft Circle, Lichens, CNTRL Top, and Weekend, with readings by Chelsea Hodson. Publications and other ephemera from Swill […]

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