
Vol. 1 Brooklyn’s November 2022 Book Preview

November 2022 books

Welcome to the heart of autumn. This November, if you’re looking for a new book to read you’ll be able to choose from a stylistically vast array of literary works. Hoping for an engaging psychological thriller or a great writer’s unorthodox exploration of a great musician? This month, both have gotten our attention — along with incisive literary commentary, a novel told entirely in verse, and a high-profile zine anthology.

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Presenting Nell Zink’s Introduction for Robert Perišić’s Novel “A Cat at the End of the World” — Complete With Cover Reveal

A Cat at the End of the World

We’re pleased to be publishing Nell Zink’s introductory letter for Robert Perišić’s forthcoming novel A Cat at the End of the World. Translated by Vesna Maric, Perišić’s novel is narrated by a bodiless spirit that has an affinity for cats across time and space. Intrigued? We thought you might be. We’re also happy to be revealing the novel’s cover. It’s out on November 1 on Sandorf Passage.

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