
Morning Bites: Samovar reading, Literary tote bag fever, Attenberg’s year, Sandburg’s house, and more

I guess before winter comes that the cold winds have to rise. At least that’s what the Game of Thrones trailer leads me to believe. Ellen Ullman and Will Hermes read at the Russian Samovar tonight. Sadie Stein (who is reading at our Greatest 3-Minute Stories About the 90s event on Weds.) talks to the New York Times about tote bags.  Remember that time when we talked about what your literary tote bag says about you?  John Mayer reviews Jeffrey Eugenides. […]

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Vol. 1 Brooklyn presents: The Greatest 3-Minute Stories About The 90s

So we’re sure you’ve heard the whole “The 90s are back” thing at least once a day for the last six month, and maybe you’re tired of it, or maybe you can’t get enough of it.  Maybe you are sitting around holding out that some Pitchfork “Best New Music” mentions Candlebox as an influence.  Maybe you’re clutching a Delia’s catalog from the days when Y2K was an actual worry.  Or maybe, just maybe, you’re hoping for a bunch of readers to tell […]

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