
Bites: Wild Cupcakes, Kennedy’s do Twitter, Obama is the new Opraha, Marcel Duchamp wasn’t done, and more

Would you rather eat  library ice cream or Where the Wild Things Are cupcakes?  (Thanks Boing Boing) How indie bookstores are getting customers. (Boston Globe) Yoni Wolf of the band WHY? does vegan food in NYC (Thanks The Young and Hungry) President Obama will sell your book. What do a song off the superb album Superwolf by Bonnie Prince Billy and Matt Sweeny, Iron and Wine, and Vashti Bunyan all have in  common?  Daniel Kraus, author of The Monster Variations […]

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Tao Lin’s Muumuu House: Romantic Realism in Two Books of Poetry

Literary realism, like most literary classifications, is vague and ambiguous and difficult to define. In some capacity, it can be characterized as a reaction against, or an answer to, literary romanticism. The current state of affairs is such that panic ensues with every newspaper that closes its doors and Armageddon is exclaimed when new ideas like Twitter proliferate. Killings are over- or under-aggrandized, depending. Wars are either heroic or dastardly; even having no stance is a taking a stance. The […]

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Cosigning: Twitter is Not Apocalyptic (Neither is This Blog)

Anne Trubek, a Rhetoric and Comp professor at Oberlin, considers social media in an optimistic light for More Intelligent Life. From her essay “We Are All Writers Now”: My friends and I write more than we used to, often more than we talk. We correspond with each other and to colleagues, school teachers, utility companies. We send e-mails to our local newspaper reporters about their stories; we write to magazine editors to tell them what we think. And most of […]

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