
Bites: Woody Allen Drawn, A New Case for American Lit, NYRB on Herta Müller, SXSW, and more

An abstract from Dread and Superficiality: Woody Allen as Comic Strip, a new book to be published next month, is available at the Guardian. Arcade Fire’s a lucky band.  Spike Jonze was “thinking of them almost every step of the way” in making his famous film. Rather than insular, is American Literature “borderless”? From the NYRB, a podcast on Herta Müller, the 2009 Nobel laureate in literature.  Vol. 1 touched on Müller and her recent win last week. “Is there […]

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Bites: Herzog’s La Bohème, Why Blog?, New Maugham Bio, Prometheus’ Authorship, more

  Werner Herzog’s characteristically bizarre short film The Millions thinks the New Yorker’s been exceptional lately.  We cosign, wholeheartedly. Emdashes proposes a panel called “Why Keep Blogging?” for next March’s South by Southwest interactive festival.  Help her out by showing your support. There’s a new biography of Somerset Maugham: The Secret Lives of Somerset Maugham by Selena Hastings. Revisiting the question of authorship in Frankenstein. How much carbon dioxide are you helping emit RIGHT NOW?

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