
I Think Gothamist Hates Indie Bookstores/Reporting About Interesting Subjects

There’s a post up at Gothamist about a corporate drugstore in Chelsea that turns into a discussion about how that corporate drugstore is so cool, and how it’s awesomeness might help to get independent buisnesses closed.  One of those being a bookstore I happen to love, Spoonbill and Sugartown. Seriously, if Duane Reade’s going to pull these slick moves at their forthcoming Bedford Avenue location, then Kings Pharmacy (which closes too damn early!) might as well just give up now […]

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Bites: Ayn Rand Dominates and is “Influential”, Paris Review Conversation, Finding Edward Gorey, and More.

This terrifying picture is from the GQ piece on Ayn Rand called “The Bitch is Back“. If you like Ayn Rand, enjoy reading about “2009’s most influential author”.  Otherwise, if you are like me, continue shielding your eyes. Lit. L Magazine wonders who will take the helm at the Paris Review with Philip Gourevitch leaving? One of the names tossed around in the comments of the L Mag. conversation for a possible new Paris Review editor is Geoff Dyer.  Oh, […]

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Bites: Ginsberg Dumped a Body, Roth Reviews, Lethem in Miami, Lou Dobbs Unemployed, Spoonbill & Sugartown is Ten, and More.

Allen Ginsberg helped dispose of a body?  Will this be portrayed in the movie starring James Franco? Lit. A.V. Club reviews Philip Roth’s The Humbling. Village Voice go back to 1966 to hang out with Ed Saunders.  Fug, and “Fuck You” publisher. The Daily Beast takes a look at the best of British literature. Stephen King’s Under the Dome has “the scope and flavor of literary Americana” says the New York Times. The guy that put out The Simpsons: An […]

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