
Showering with Dave Eggers

Posted by Jason Diamond There is a slight chance that if you subscribe to The Thing long enough, you will be able to furnish your entire abode with their issues. In the past, the periodical has put out a Starlee Kine cutting board, coffee mugs by an experimental geographer, and Jonathan Lethem glasses with case.  They’re basically a couch and a knife set away from being more prominent in your apartment than IKEA. Now you have an opportunity to spend every day cleansing yourself […]

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Happening: A Night at The Highline

Tonight, The Rumpus and Tin House team up for an epic night whose lineup reads like a laundry list of people we really, really like: Stephen Elliott hosts an evening that features (among others) Eugene Mirman, Todd Barry, Rick Moody, Starlee Kine, and Jonathan Ames, at The Highline Ballroom. Considering a few of those people have had pretty big years, we would like to think they might get some of their even more famous friends to show up, making this […]

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