Poetry in Motion: The Day Phil Parma Died

I sometimes picture the peak of Northeast winters, from the season’s first snowfall until about late February, as a hearth beside which friends and family inevitably nest.  You’d think you’d see less of these people in cruel weather, but I find it to be the opposite: we come together to huddle for warmth and get a bit fatter in dark and stormy conditions. Unlike me, the season’s cold rain caused Flaubert’s heart to “crumble into ruins”. But Flaubert seems to […]

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Poetry in Motion: Super Bowl XLVII Photobooth Edition – The Agony of Victory, The Ecstasy of Defeat

How one handles success and failure often speaks greater volumes than the outcome of one’s challenge, particularly if that challenge is something as relatively lighthearted as the Super Bowl.  Even in coping with the hardship of an immensely public shortcoming, the losing team isn’t exactly a fleet of trapped Chilean miners, non?   There are unexpected challenges to winning the big game, and inherent optimism to be found in a loss.  With the help of visual aids, in the tradition […]

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