
Two young intellectual dudes talking about Guy Debord

Posted by Jason Diamond I take back every single time made fun of the New York Times in the past. I take it all back because of one single quote from the piece on The New Inquiry: “Tim Barker, a junior at Columbia, awkwardly admitted that he, too, had chosen a reading from Debord. (What are the odds?)” What are the odds that two dudes hanging out in a secret bookstore would both be looking to read a little Guy […]

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Morning Bites: Daniel Day-Lewis as Lincoln, Judy Blume love, The New Inquiry, Faulkner on HBO, and more

That’s Daniel Day-Lewis as Abraham Lincoln for the Dec. 2012 film “Lincoln,” which is based on Doris Kearns Goodwin’s book Team of Rivals.  (Via) “It was the weekly meeting of The New Inquiry, a scrappy online journal and roving clubhouse that functions as an Intellectuals Anonymous of sorts for desperate members of the city’s literary underclass barred from the publishing establishment.” – The New Inquiry gets a big writeup at the New York Times. Tired of signing every hot contemporary author up for […]

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