
Bites: Beast Books, Nick Hornby, Zeitoun haikus, Palin’s ghostwriter, and more

Daily Beast innovator Tina Brown is, in a joint venture with Perseus Books Group, starting a new imprint called Beast Books. The imprint will forgo the typical publishing schedule, which is, as Brown sees it, an untimely process that misses important opportunities to attract readers. At Book Beast, the entire process of writing and publishing (beginning with an e-book) will take a mere two to four months. Lit Nick Hornby interviewed at Flavorwire Write a haiku and you could get […]

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Bites: Bolaño syllabus, Jewish Wild Things, David Byrne, Hot Topic tour, and more.

  Lit. The Millions have an essay, “A Bolaño Syllabus.”  That’s all, nothing witty.  Just read it. Tablet Magazine, happy to point out that Where the Wild Things Are has “profoundly Jewish roots,” calls Paste Magazine’s essay which informs this theory “overwrought.”  The Wizarding World of Harry Potter: Once a dream, now a reality. L Magazine interviews Stephen Elliott, author of The Adderall Diaries. Google may modify its online book deal (Thanks, Boston Globe) Dear Conversational Reading, Mainstream publishing mystifies […]

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