
Afternoon Bites: Swans Reviewed, Tupelo Hassman Interviewed, 7x20x21 Revealed, And More

“…a perfect void of nostalgia that comes at a moment when similar indie rock heroes have reunited to defile the corpses of early works for lump sums of cash.” Grayson Currin on the latest from Swans, We Rose From Your Bed With The Sun In Our Head. The lineup for this BEA’s 7x20x21 looks incredibly good. Joseph Riippi is interviewed at The Collagist. Rosemary Hill on Susannah Clapp’s A Card From Angela Carter. Tupelo Hassman is interviewed at The Rumpus. […]

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A Hundred Tiny Stories, Told With Fury and Compassion: Tupelo Hassman’s “Girlchild” Reviewed

Girlchild by Tupelo Hassman Farrar, Strauss and Giroux; 288 p. I never understood my father’s insistence on knowing nothing about the writers whose books he reads. I’m nosy, and I like to know things, even though sometimes those things smack you in the face. But not with Girlchild. Tupelo Hassman has to exist for me as an idea, a notion of a writer, the way my teenage self barely comprehended that there was a person who wrote To Kill a […]

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