
Weekend bites: Letters from John Hughes, continued Pynchon mania, Norman Mailor with his pants down, pop culture and the prez

The late John Hughes had a pen pal. Everybody is weighing in on Inherent Vice, and now, Three Guys One Book gives us a Youtube trailer to add to Pynchon Mania. Karen O (Yeah Yeah Yeah’s) did some music for the upcoming Where the Wild Things Are soundtrack. The Rumpus shares some good advice from the late Budd Schulberg. At the New Museum, Norman Mailer is caught with his pants down, sort of, and it’s not pretty. Judy Garland was […]

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Bites: Harry Potter parties, they just can’t let old Jackie rest, Thomas Pynchon at the stroke of twelve, and more

So what if a certain boy wizard and his mates like to toss back a pint or two? I’m pretty sure I can name five other classic children stories that involve drinking, drug taking, and other unsuitable behavior. Don’t people have better things to kvetch about? The battle over Jack Kerouac’s estate is still going on. Maurice Sendak is totally into the film version of Where the Wild Things Are. Really. Jessica Hopper interviews Marissa Paternoster from the band Screaming […]

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Where the Wild Things Are: A Forthcoming Filmic Rumpus (for All Ages)

Where the Wild Things Are is a children’s classic, and it should make an excellent film: Original author Maurice Sendak is directly involved, the screenplay is written by Dave Eggers (who always does his best to make lit fun), and for crying out loud, it’s 15 years in the making. Plus, Catherine Keener will be there. Keener only makes good movies, she just does. And if the trailer is any indication – which, I know, I know, it often isn’t […]

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