
Afternoon Bites: OWS panel, Woody Allen as a Master, new Lutz, mustache buttons,and more

Woody Allen gets the American Masters treatment from PBS. Too bad they didn’t get Ken Burns to direct it. That would have been pretty hilarious. Tonight: n+1 and Housing Works present a panel on Occupy Wall Street.  More info here. The Rumpus discusses divorcer, the new collection by Gary Lutz. At The Paris Review: Adam Wilson discusses his obsession with Owen Wilson.  (No relation.) Buttons featuring every mustache worn by a Daniel Day-Lewis character. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, and our Tumblr.

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Ernest Hemingway’s beautiful descendents

Posted by Jason Diamond Of all the beautiful women Woody Allen picked to play his love interests, the two I love the most are Carol Kane during her brief appearance in Annie Hall, and Mariel Hemingway as the 17-year-old Tracy in Manhattan.  Even though the 25 year age difference between Allen’s Isaac character and Hemingway’s could either be looked at as a unsettling, or as a brilliant plot device, I say that Mariel Hemingway played the part perfectly, and really […]

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S.J. Perelman’s Birthday and Catch-22

It was sort of a coincidence that I stumbled upon the fact that S.J. Perelman was born today in 1904 (he died in 1979), but going and checking out his Wikipedia page wasn’t — it’s something I usually do when I find out it’s the anniversary of someones birth or death. With all this talk about “comic novels“, I’ve been getting more and more interested in reading older humor pieces, and have taken a serious interest in Perelman’s work.  Considering […]

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Bites: Reading Yoko, Burroughs’s Stuff, Jami Attenberg, and More

Yoko Ono is putting out one of the few celebrity memoirs that I’ll bother reading. All you need to say is “William Burroughs’s Stuff“, and I’m sold. Best of luck trying to deny Céline was an anti-Semite. HTMLGiant live on the net. This Jami Attenberg kid is gonna be HUGE! Woody Allen writes something funny in The New Yorker. A New York publication comments on a British publication talking about a New York writer or: L magazine on the Guardian […]

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The Week That Shall be: 11-20 to 11-27th

Things going on that we find interesting for the next week.  Next Thursday and Friday are up for grabs, since most people will be digesting and shopping. Friday, November 20th NYU takes over KGB for something called “Coming of Age on the Page”.   Jonathan Liebson, Karol Nielsen, and Erik Rhey read. Saturday, November 21st Mike Edison, some wine in the afternoon, some blues.  The guy has fun everywhere he goes.  Sort of a no-brainer.  3pm at Le Du’s Wines, 600 […]

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