
Happy Birthday, Cultural Society

Posted by Tobias Carroll Earlier this year, the musician and poet Zach Barocas took part in our Washington/Baltimore Civic Pride event. At around the same time, we also interviewed him, along with his bandmates in BELLS≥. Among other things, Barocas runs The Cultural Society, which has released books and music for a decade now. Hence: they’re throwing a party. Details can be found here.

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V1’s “Civic Pride: Washington D.C.”: Awesomeness in Action

Above: Fanbase, pre-moshing. Or post-moshing… hard to tell. When does an event not only live up to its hype, but actually exceeds it? Bowie collaborating with Eno? The last episode of Alf? John Madden’s turducken? We can now add Vol. 1’s “Civic Pride: Washington D.C.” to that distinguished list. Held last Thursday at Greenpoint mecca WORD Brooklyn, Civic Pride’s latest edition was the end-all tribute to the District of Columbia, featuring a stellar line-up of authors and at an atmosphere […]

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