J.G. Ballard: The Return

Posted by Tobias Carroll

A couple of months ago, one of the book groups I’m in chose to read J.G. Ballard’s High-Rise. The secondhand hardcover I read in high school was, I believe, somewhere deep in New Jersey, but I’d figured that finding a copy wouldn’t be a problem. Ballard’s a significant twentieth-century writer, and one whose influence is still being felt. (Worth a read here: Christopher Hitchens’s review of Ballard’s Complete Stories from a few years ago.)

Needless to say, the joke was on me: the book had gone out of print in the States, and I ended up chasing down an import from the UK.

So I’m glad to hear that W.W. Norton’s Liveright division will be bringing a lot of these novels back into print in the US later this year, including High-Rise, The Day of Creation, and The Drowned World. Surreal, compelling works all..

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