
Morning Bites: Todd Akin Like Borges, Amis Doesn’t Want Followers, Jazz Age Lawn Party, Wharton Introductions and More


Via Racked

Photos from the Jazz Age Lawn Party at Racked.

“It’s like Borges, but Todd Akin.” – Juli Weiner at Vanity Fair tries to sum it up.

Edith Wharton’s introduction to William Gerhardie’s Futility. (Which is coming out next month as part of Melville House’s The Neversink Library.)

“I don’t want to follow anyone and I don’t want anyone to follow me.” – Martin Amis talks to Royal Young for Interview.

Warner Brothers passes on Stephen King’s The Dark Tower.  Boo hiss to that.

Engraved Zippos from American soldiers of the Vietnam War.

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