
Celebrating The Ellison Centennial in New York City


Ralph Ellison stands as one of the most influential figures in American literature. And 2014 marks the hundredth anniversary of his birth, which means that now is as good a time as ever to venture into his body of work for the first time, revisit an old favorite, or find an aspect of his work with which you might have been less familiar.

Also of note: The Studio Museum in Harlem and the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture are hosting a day of events dedicated to Ellison’s Invisible Man on March 1. This will kick off a year-long exploration of Ellison’s life and work. Participating in the program are the likes of Greg Tate, Bill T. Jones, and 2014 NYC Youth Poet Laureate Ramya Ramana. The Studio Museum’s website has more details.

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