
Afternoon Bites: Daniel José Older, New Jenny Zhang Nonfiction, Discussing “Citizen,” Kelly Sue DeConnick Interviewed, and More


Daniel José Older talked with The Guardian about his YA novel Shadowshaper.

“Why are some people’s feelings so repellent and others so madly alluring?” New writing from Jenny Zhang at Poetry.

At Bookrageous, Rahawa Haile, Jenn Northington, and Preeti Chhibber discussed a host of topics, including Claudia Rankine’s Citizen.

Kelly Sue DeConnick discussed Bitch Planet with After Ellen.

Jac Jemc versus bad soup.

Jonathan Galassi was interviewed at Salon.

At Vice: an interview with Nell Zink.

Pitchfork makes the case for the 33 best books in the 33 1/3 series.

Little Wings was interviewed at BOMB.

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