VCO: Chapter 19

"VCO" image

Chapter 19

The cabin was no bigger than a two-bedroom cube from the outside. 

Morgen knocked on the door, cleared her throat, and the door opened itself.

Once inside I started feeling ill. The interior of the cabin extended many directions much farther than the exterior led on. From the outside it looked like a shack, but we were inside a mansion with multiple levels. 

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Diary as Workbench as Archive as Net

Journal with pencil

Diary as Workbench as Archive as Net
by Stephanie Sauer


On Taking Note

There is a diary, which is to say a daily, in which I take note of the goings on in my work. Did I write today? How did it come? Did the words hide away? Did I edit? Was I surprised? Did I discover something new? Did this catalyze delight? Did an ending weave itself in a way I wasn’t expecting? Did I trudge through the hours unrewarded? Did the thing I tried fall flat upon the page? Did it crawl into the waste bin and evaporate? Did I give up early and go for a walk? Did the walk unearth something buried? Did I return to the work afterward?

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Books of the Month: May 2024

May 2024 Books

It’s a few days into a new month, and you can probably tell what’s next: we have some May books we’d like to recommend. Stylistically, they cover a lot of terrain; you’ll find everything from experimental short fiction to haunting meditations of contemporary politics here. Read on for some suggestions for the weeks to come.

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