Bites: Don Amazon, young adult steampunk, 2666 gets the paperback treatment, Johnnie Walker kicks Glenn Beck to the curb, 3rd Ward home cookin’, and more

“Amazon’s a modern day Don Quixote.” (Thanks Gawker) Lit. So now book bloggers have to report the books they get for review or face an $11,000 fine.  Ed Champion ain’t gonna stand for it! Is the term”young adult steampunk” at all related to The Pains of Being Heart song “Young Adult Friction”?   (Thanks Boing Boing) HTML Giant really likes writer Sarah Manguso A little book named 2666 is now in paperback. Lit Kicks does an eloquent job of summing […]

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Never enough Dick

Moby Dick, or my “summer book” of ’09 was closed this evening, and I’m gonna miss it.  I might suffer a bit of separation anxiety like I did when I finished up 2666 some months ago, because in it’s own brilliant way, Melville’s classic is a glorious mindfuck of a novel.  One that which I am almost tempted to tackle (in small doses) again. In the meantime, the white whale, has been popping up as of recently in a few […]

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Bites: Ames is Bored to Death, Thurston on grunge, Sampsell talks to Elliott, Jeter and Jesus = same thing, and more

Is Bored to Death (starring Jason Schwartzman, pictured above) the next HBO show in line that becomes that show people who “don’t watch tv” actually get into (The Wire, The Sopranos, etc.)?  Not sure.  But knowing that Jonathan Ames is the writer can give one hope.  He talks to Huffington Post. Indichik went to our Vol. 1 Storytelling Brooklyn series this last Thursday, and said some very nice things. Lit. Kevin Sampsell interviews Stephen Elliott for the Portland Mercury 2666, […]

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