
Reviewed: Alex Gilvarry’s “From the Memiors of a Non-Enemy Combatant”

Review by Jon Reiss From the Memiors of  a Non-Enemy Combatant by Alex Gilvarry (Viking, 320 p.) From the Memiors of  a Non-Enemy Combatant is the story of Boyet (Boy for short) Hernandez, a Philippine-born aspiring designer who, having grown up in admiration of his fabric slinging uncle, lusts for a future as New York’s most desirable, heterosexual male clothing designer (of which there area bout 10.)  Living off a meager allowance from his parents, Boy is barely able to afford an apartment in […]

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Morning Bites: William Gibson’s future, Jim Carroll Vs. Gil Scott-Heron, Alex Gilvarry, Dirty Three, and more

Zach Baron had heard rumors of a high school football rivalry between Jim Carroll and Gil Scott-Heron.  He discusses it at The Daily. Alex Gilvarry talks to NPR about From the Memoirs of a Non-Enemy Combatant.  Edith Wharton: born into wealth, great writer, kinda awkward. Pay attention to this Leonard Cohen kid who has a poem in this week’s New Yorker.  He’s gonna be huge. We’re living in William Gibson’s future.  The New York Times on Gibson’s Distrust That Particular Flavor. At Slate: Matthew […]

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