“Failure Is a Site of Possibility”: An Interview With Andrea Kleine

Eden, Andrea Kleine‘s new novel, is set in the aftermath of a harrowing event: protagonist Hope and her sister Eden were, as teenagers, kidnapped by a man with awful intentions. The novel begins decades later: Hope is a playwright grappling with financial and creative instability, and Eden has gone missing. Hope sets out in search of her lost sister–a plot which gives Kleine a space to explore a number of resonant and disquieting themes. I spoke with Kleine about the […]

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s July 2018 Book Preview

Cue July; cue the heat. Maybe your preferred method for dealing with high temperatures and the ever-present sun is to hole up somewhere with abundant air conditioning; perhaps you’re opting for the beach or a park, the better to savor the distinctive weather of the season. Either way, they’re spaces that lend themselves to reading, and we have some recommendations the month that looms ahead, from musical histories to unsettling fiction in translation.

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