
What I Look For at Used Bookstores: A Category Analysis

We have a rule in my house that whenever we want new books we have to take back the same number of old ones to the used bookstore. This is hard. Because some books we want to keep–to read again, for some sort of perceived prestige (I guess), to read for the first time (hey D.H. Lawrence), and because we…like books? But it creates a stasis somewhat equivalent to the amount of bookshelf space we have, but I’m able to […]

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Walking Bookstores and Bars: Red Bank, Late November

Walking Bookstores and Bars: Red Bank, Late November by Tobias Carroll My hometown was not designed to be walked through. The characteristics of the towns in which my parents came of age seem archetypal now, but alien to a younger version of me: sidewalks, stores within walking distance, a general sense of accessibility running throughout the community. The neighborhood in which I grew up has no sidewalks; just wide suburban roads with a span hopefully allowing cars to pass one […]

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Am I Fabulous Enough to Hang out at the Marc Jacobs Bookstore?

I’m guessing no, but I’m also guessing they won’t have anything I want to read. Meenal Mistry of recently Twittered about the name, Book Marc, which is really pretty cute. But the signage that just appeared in the store window doesn’t mention Marc at all. It just says “A bookstore will be opening here Winter 2010,” leading Jeremiah of Vanishing New York to wonder if this is some sort of sneak attack on Jacobs’s part. Remember when Starbucks had […]

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Happening: Happy Hour at a Bookstore

I’m going to risk sounds corny here, but I walked into Open Air Modern, took one look, and sorta fell in love with the place.  The invite to their event next week pretty much sums up why. Join us in the store Thursday, December 10 from 6 to 8:30 pm enjoy wine and cheese, while browsing our book selection. We are really excited as this is our first holiday season and the store is stocked with tons of gift-quality books. […]

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Bites: Is New York Bad for Writers?, Should Bookstores Rethink Shelving?, East of Eden as Performance, the Death of the Man of Letters, How to Get Rid of Hipsters, and more

HTMLGiant asks if New York for writers is The Place to Be, or whether it’s just too damn expensive. Lit. Should bookstores shelve by publisher rather than author? (Thanks, The Rumpus) How East of Eden became a performance piece. A surprisingly interesting picture essay of the last 10 years of Nobel Prize winners in literature. The “slow death of the man of letters”? Hm. Shakespeare’s endless Answers: Why it’s smart to be a Shakespearean fool. Books as art. Very cool. […]

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