
Morning Bites: Updike and the Universe, Early Chabon, Fitzgerald’s Love, Shirley MacLaine Talks Downton and More

At The Paris Review: Our own Jason Diamond discusses the influence F. Scott Fitzgerald’s first love (and the town she came from) had on him. John Updike: Lover of the universe. An early look at Michael Chabon’s Telegraph Avenue at The Atlantic Wire. Michele Filgate talks to Karolina Waclawiak at Capital New York. Brooklyn Based has a report from the Amor Towles reading underneath the Brooklyn Bridge. Rachel Syme looks into why Dawn Powell’s diaries won’t sell. Shirley MacLaine talks Downton […]

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Morning Bites: Updating DFW, Robber Barons, Zadie’s First Lines, Frank Ocean and More

Journalistically speaking, there is no hot news to offer you about Roger Federer. He is, at 25 30, the best tennis player currently alive. – Updating David Foster Wallace’s “Federer as Religious Experience.” Originally published in 2006. The Millions have the first lines of Zadie Smith’s NW. Updike’s Bech stories reviewed at The New Republic. America’s first female robber barron. The New York Times profiles Frank Ocean. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and our Tumblr.

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Morning Bites: BEA Parties, Updike’s Duds, Patti Smith, OWS Sues NYC, and More

Ernest Hemingway’s reporting for the Toronto Star.  (Via The Rumpus) John Updike: great dresser. Have you had a chance to check out Electric Literature’s Recommended Reading? Will interviews with Patti Smith ever get old?  The answer is a big NOPE.  That obviously includes this interview between Smith and Melissa Giannini of Spin. EvilReads has your official BEA party guide (including the Bookrageous party we’re co-sponsoring along with some other fantastic folks). OWS sues NYC. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google + and our Tumblr.

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Morning Bites: Jac Jams, Banned Iranian Novels, Steve Albini, Updike Museum, and More

Largehearted Boy talks to Jac Jemc about the music that helped inspire My Only Wife. Do we dare call them Joc Jams? John Updike’s childhood home to become a museum. Mahmoud Dowlatabadi’s The Colonel: Banned in Iran but published in the US. Kate Christensen & Jami Attenberg are going to hang out and talk. Steve Albini talks to the Reddit community. Roman Polanski to tackle the Dreyfus affair. Sunday brunch vs. Sunday church in Greenpoint. Follow Vol. 1 Brooklyn on Twitter, Facebook, Google […]

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