Allen Ginsberg helped dispose of a body? Will this be portrayed in the movie starring James Franco? Lit. A.V. Club reviews Philip Roth’s The Humbling. Village Voice go back to 1966 to hang out with Ed Saunders. Fug, and “Fuck You” publisher. The Daily Beast takes a look at the best of British literature. Stephen King’s Under the Dome has “the scope and flavor of literary Americana” says the New York Times. The guy that put out The Simpsons: An […]
Bites: Gentrification Lit, Adam Langer, Dustin Hoffman Loves Libraries, Steve Martin and Alec Baldwin host the Oscars, and more
N+1 discuss “gentrification novels”. Discussed are Jonathan Lethem, Prospect Park West, etc. As a Park Slope resident, I feel a little bit shitty right now. Lit. Rare books for the “cultured traveler” Adam Langer, one of the great Chicago writers, tells us some music he likes. HTML Giant tells us about Warm Milk Press. The American zeitgeist implodes upon itself as James Franco, following his quirky stint on daytime television, is slated to guest star on 30 Rock. Dustin Hoffman: […]
Bites: Stephen Elliott in Williamsburg, McSweeney’s Broadsheet, the Original Gossip Girl, Lethem Recommends Poe, Balloon boy FAQ, and more
Stephen Elliott hung out in Williamsburg (went hard, if you will) and wrote about it on The Rumpus. Lit. Largehearted Boy reviews Nick Hornby’s Juliet, Naked. McSweeney’s to publish an old-fashioned, Sunday edition-sized broadsheet: San Francisco Panorama Jonathan Lethem recommends on Daily Beast Edgar Allen Poe’s only novel, The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket, and describes it as “the missing link between Mary Shelley and Herman Melville.” My kind of narrative. On Willa Cather’s development as a novelist. […]
Bites: That guy from The Princess Bride, chapbook reviews, Grouper at ATP, intellectual bankruptcy, and more
Lit. Wallace Shawn (above), the guy who was in The Princess Bride is the son of former New Yorker editor William Shawn? Wallace Shawn, the guy in Clueless, has a book of essays out? What awesome weird universe have I woken up to this morning? Everybody thinks Joyce is a fricken genius. I still don’t get it. The Millions releases the group of nominated books that did not make it on their best fiction of the millennium list. James Wood, […]