
Weekend Bites: Nick Cave to MTV, Nonrequired Reading, Wesley Stace, Soros Responds to Glenn Beck and More

Remember that time that Nick Cave told MTV that he didn’t want their stinking award? NY Tyrant takes the Best American Nonrequired Reading books to task at Vice. Wesley Stace talks to the New York Times. The cult of the sentence. George Soros finally responded to Glenn Beck’s (anti-Semitic) frequent attacks. Home cooking with Amy Sedaris. James Franco asks Judd Apatow how to host the Oscars. William F. Buckley on pot. NY Times Sunday Book Review Highlights Joyce Carol Oates’s […]

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Nobel morning: A chronological breakdown of the days first few minutes

7:00 AMish Lev Grossman (via his Twitter) starts it off like this: 7:31 AM The news comes that Herta Mueller wins!  Yippee! 7:35 AM I think back to this HTMLGiant post about a group of oddsmakers, and their picks for the prize.  I scan for Mueller’s name, and find nothing. I think to myself “somewhere, somebody just hit the jackpot if they bet on her.” 7:37 AM My friend comes on Gchat to complain how the Nobel people are “antisemitic” […]

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