
On Karen Russell’s “The Graveless Doll of Eric Mutis”

Posted by Tobias Carroll If there was one signal I got from the world around me last week, it was this: I need to read more of Karen Russell’s work. Swamplandia! has been earning fine reviews right and left; besides that, two astute friends with fine taste in all things literary expressed surprise when I mentioned that I hadn’t yet read any of her fiction. Clearly, this needed to change.

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Bites: Karen Russell all Over the Place, Remembering Reagan, Spinoza, Rick Moody on Rock Books and More

Karen Russell talks to the Bat Segundo Show about her latest book, Swamplandia! The book was also the cover story for the Sunday Book Review. To celebrate 100 years of Reagan, Mother Jones digs up a 1984 issue that included Kurt Vonnegut, Studs Terkel, Al Franken and a bunch of fantastic artwork that tries to imagine what four more years of The Gipper would hold. “I am putting my money on Spinoza and not on Descartes.” – Commentator for this […]

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