
Bites: The Tolkien clan gets their due, People like 2666, Jim Carroll interviews, that guy who knows Chuck Norris, and more

Lit Breaking!  Nerd World scoops EVERYBODY and gets the “terms” that Warner Bros. and the family of J.R.R. Tolkien (above) settled on. Stephen Elliott at The Rumpus on people who have read, who are perpetually reading Bolaño’s 2666. Three Guys One Book review Beg, Borrow, Steal by Michael Greenberg. Boing Boing posts an interview from 1987 with the late Jim Carroll All the cool stuff you didn’t know the Boston Public Library had is going on display. Granta is hitting […]

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Bites: NYU vs. Muppets for the best Woody imitation, Michael Greenberg, African books, teachers, and more

“Would You Rather See Woody Allen’s Manhattan Adapted by NYU Students or Muppets?” (thanks Flavorwire) The Rumpus talks with Beg, Borrow, Steal author, Michael Greenberg. Conversational Reading posted “99 Essential African Books“ Here is an article that combines Steampunk and Lolcats Jacket Copy on the “masterful 33 1/3 series“.  (Okay, we think it’s good too) Gene Simmons, Stephen King, 2 presidents and eleven more famous people were teachers (Mental Floss) Black Moth Super Rainbow played the ICA in Boston.  (Thanks […]

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