
Literary Trading Cards: Mailer, Royko, Parker and Hunter S. Share a Drink

We liked hearing Gay Talese talk about all the drinking and partying that used to go on at The New York Times, that this week’s literary trading card is dedicated to four of our favorite writers who probably spent as much time with their bartender as they did their editor. From left to right: Dorothy Parker, Mike Royko, Hunter S. Thompson, Norman Mailer. Want a copy? Buy it here. (All art by Margarita Korol)

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Bites: Klosterman Gets Married and Bad Journalism Ensues, Gore Vidal Gets Nostalgic, Infinite Book Clubs, and more

Chuck Klosterman got married, and journalistic ethics are called into question.  Also, the article in question is lame. Lit. Gore Vidal is a man of letters, which is inherently at least mostly respectable.  His recent interview with the Times is filled with wisdom, albeit sharp and abrasive. The Desk Set hipped us to Abe Books Weird Book Room.  Thanks. Infinite Summer, the D.F.W-reading online book club, has climbed their Everest.  To celebrate, they’re reading Dracula.  Yep.  Honestly, I’m into book […]

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