
Crime Scenes in Miniature: Nadxieli Nieto and Lincoln Michel on Editing “Tiny Crimes”

Some crime stories are epics, filling narratives that span hundreds or pages or across multiple volumes. Some crime stories require a little less space, but pack all of the visceral charm of their counterparts. That’s what you can expect from the new anthology Tiny Crimes: Very Short Tales of Mystery and Murder, edited by Lincoln Michel and Nadxieli Nieto. Along the way, the anthology also showcases the range of the stories that can be told within the boundaries of crime […]

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Vol.1 Brooklyn’s June 2018 Book Preview

As June approaches, the temperatures outside are rising, and various dreams of a long spring are dashed until next year. June also brings with it a host of books we’ve been eager to read for a while now, including new books by longtime favorites, structurally bold works that take literature into new places, and short fiction that ventures into surreal and sinister places. Here’s a look at some of the books we’re most excited about for June.

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